Judgment Collection from employer for unpaid wages – $60,000
Location: Beverly Hills/West L.A.
Status: Settled/Satisfied.
Case Details: Client: Roy M. Client won judgment at labor board for extremely abusive employment practices but could not collect the money on his own, and the Franchise Tax Board had failed to collect as well. Debtor kept many assets in the name of his wife, which we located and used to collect on the judgment.
Judgment Enforcement for unpaid attorneys fees – $60,000 (with interest)
Location: Santa Monica/Beverly Hills
Status: settled/satisfied.
Case Details: Creditor: Jules K./ Creditor is an attorney and did Debtor’s divorce case for her, and she skipped out on the attorney fee bill. Creditor got the judgment and debtor refused to pay and threatened bankruptcy. Years later, debtor had married again and divorced again and had assets, and we collected almost the entire judgment.
Collection from Hollywood Producer – $1.2 million (with interest)
Location: Los Angeles / Hollywood
Status: Settled/Satisfied.
Case Details: Client Linda L. Debtor was a Hollywood producer/actor and Client had loaned him a substantial amount of money to produce a film and the project tanked, leaving Client and many other creditors out of luck. Debtor was having his rent paid by his brother, and had no bank accounts or credit cards. We obtained a broad court order which required anyone served with the order to pay money owed to the debtor to our client instead, whether that money was due now or sometime in the future. Once the debtor realized we were going to serve this order on people and companies he did business with, he found the money to settle the judgment, and our client got back 100% of the money that she loaned to him.
Collection from Creditor – $211,000
Location: Beverly Hills
Status: Settled/Satisfied.
Case Details: Judgment Debtor worked in high finance and had an 8 million dollar house in Beverly hills, held by an LLC. Judgment enforcement efforts included establishing that the LLC was just a sham to avoid creditors, and putting a lien on the house. The debtor then filed chapter 11 bankruptcy in an attempt to avoid the house lien, and we stepped into the bankruptcy and caused it to be dismissed, and had the federal judge ban the debtor from filing bankruptcy again for two years. The house finally sold after the bankruptcy was dismissed, and Creditor was paid the full amount of $211,000.00.
Tricky Debt Collection – $65,000 (2018)
Judgment was erroneously entered against a company which actually did not exist and debtors name was not on the judgment even though he had “stiffed” the Creditor. To make judgment enforcement even harder, the debtor had also “judgment proof” himself (or so he thought) by putting properties in a trust controlled by his wife. Through multiple debtors examinations, it was established that business was just a name under which debtor did business, and that the properties were actually owned by the debtor and his wife as community property, in a trust which did not protect them. Creditor brought a motion to add debtor and debtors wifes family trust to the judgment, and the Debtor ultimately agreed to a payment plan wherein the judgment was satisfied for 90% of the amount due. Sometimes the smaller cases require more work, but if we take a case, we will do what it takes to get the job done.