Judgment Collection against Contractor – $800,000
Location: Van Nuys, San Fernando Valley Status: Settled in 2016 Case Details: Disabled client got judgment against contractor who destroyed his condo, almost a decade old. Contractor had long ago gotten rid of his house, divorced his wife, and seemingly retired. However, it was discovered through subpoenas that the contractor had started another contracting company, and was hiding his assets in the new company. After this, the debtor attempted to have the judgment dismissed by saying he was never served, and after we opposed this and dug up “the smoking gun” which showed he was lying, the debtor finally relented and settled the judgment (on payment plan)
Judgment Collection from Food Industry Business Owner – $300,000
Location: San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills, Van Nuys Court. Status: Settled/Satisfied from 2014 to 2016 pay plan. Case Details: Judgment against successful owner of food industry businesses. Debtor arranged multiple LLCs, one of which was in Canada, and had multiple entities across different states in order to be “debt proof”. However, after subpoenas were served on kep employees, and multiple charging orders and assignment orders were served against his multiple companies which threatened his business reputation with customers and vendors, Debtor finally agreed to a payment plan, to pay off the judgment in 2 years. Last payment was made in January 2017, and judgment is paid.
Judgment Collection from Auto Lender – approx $65,000
Location: Los Angeles / Sherman Oaks / Brea
Status: $30K+ paid, payments ongoing. (spread over more than one judgment) (Case in LA, Client(s) in Sherman Oaks, Debtor in Brea)
Case Details: Clients S. Simons, Esq, A Tsellner, Esq. – Clients (attorneys) obtained multiple attorney fee and costs award against auto lender for wrongful repossession of vehicle and auto lender refused to pay and went out of active business. However, by subpoenaing bank records we found accounts the lender was still getting paid on, and levied those income streams which resulted in monthly payments which would have been going to the now defunct loan company, now coming to our clients instead.
Judgment Collection from Transportation Company – approx. $30,000
Location: San Fernando Valley / Van Nuys / Sherman Oaks
Status: Settled/Satisfied.
Case Details: Client: Ron V. Debtor owned transportation company and client driver sued and won for improper/abusive labor practices. Debtor had all his assets set up in sham “trusts”, moved out of his house and only had a PO Box after that so could not be personally served with papers, and the one time we were able to find him to serve him, he filed a fraudulent bankruptcy petition making us have to start the process all over again (we eventually caused dismissal of the bankruptcy petition). After getting a couple thousand pages of the debtors bank records, we obtained an order from the court which effectively ignored the trusts and put the debtors business assets and income in jeopardy. The same guy who swore he would never pay our client a penny paid the judgment off, and never missed a payment. Not a very big case but a satisfying win nonetheless, and a good recovery for the client who was on hard economic times.
DIVORCE SETTLEMENT – 2 judgments – $250,000 (2018)
Debtor was a singer/songwriter and owed his wife $250,000 from his divorce case. The debtor himself was out of state, and there were no assets for judgment enforcement in California. Creditor discovered the source of the music royalties of the judgment debtor, and garnished those royalties to ultimately satisfy the judgment in full.